Game Jam with the Ship game


We created and played each others games in a small game jam then left comments about the game.

The ship game I made was a simple survival game where you have to dodge various obstacles and pick up health packs to survive.

Here are some of the comments I got both positive and negative:

Great sound. Original fun. Fun/rewarding. Difficult and fun. Great idea for a game and plays well. It was a nice challenge. Really nice style, really like it. Well made. Unique levels. Well designed. L O O K S C O O L. I like the style – Giles Collins 2k16. Looks great.

Need boundaries. Too short >_o. First levels should be easier. Sometimes unclear. High difficulty curve. Can leave the screen. OH MY GOSH, 3rd level is really hard!. 4th level made me lose my mind – Giles Collins 2k16. Didn’t end.


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