Nuke UI


This is the NukeUI.

Starting in the upper left hand section is the viewport. This will display the node tied to the viewer1 node. This can be selected by dragging the dotted line out from the viewer node to the target node, or selecting the target node and pressing key 1. For easier access multiple lines can be created from the viewer node by pressing 2 through to 9. You can the toggle what is displayed by deselecting any nodes and pressing the corresponding number to the line to display that line. The viewport also comes with various channel modifiers so you can only see select values e.g. alpha or red. The viewport can also be toggled between a 2d camera and a 3d one with TAB.

Underneath that is the node graph (by default), this can also be changed to the curve editor or the dope sheet if needed. The node graph displays all the nodes present in the project. Pressing TAB whilst the cursor is over the node graph will bring up a list of all the nodes the user can select.


Whilst a crude representation of it this is the organisation style for nodes we have selected. The nodes flow down a main ‘backbone’ the B pipe into the viewer, the A pipe is used when nodes and edits are ‘added’ to the backbone flow. This makes it very easy to identify and use to other people.

Lastly on the right is the properties bin this will display all the tools the node possesses so it can be edited easily.propertiesbin

Here I have the merge7 node selected and I can edit its: operation, the channels it uses, the output, masking and other tools. This will change depending on the node selected.

Posted in VFX

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