Merge node

For our first merge node lesson we were given various values of a picture already split and prepared as .tga and we just had to merge it all back together using various merge functions (mainly the plus function in this case), colour corrects were also used to adjust the picture to the background image correctly.merge-tree-ex-simple

The copy node adds the alpha we have back into the image as an alpha so when it is used later in the pipeline it’s read off as an alpha within the image.

merge tree ex simple 2.PNG

This is the final image… after some edits.

Next we had a more complex merge node task where we were given a single .exr file to use. An .exr file can hold multiple channels within the image instead of the regular RGB channels. To extract specific values we have to use a shuffle node to gain certain channels that we want. The .exr was only displaying the rgb ‘top’ channels by default.single-exr-file

So using some shuffle nodes to extract and then merge nodes to put the values back in visible this time.single-exr-file-full-tree

Resulting in this.


I like the sparkle node.


Posted in VFX

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