
This was my first proper environment piece in substance painter where I was getting to grips with how to utilise the workflow and materials properly. Resulting in quite a stylised look.

This forge was inspired by this piece of concept art someone drew.dwarf environment ref.jpg If I was to continue with the modelling I would’ve made some steps coming off of the forge and made them descend into the darkness much like this concept art. I also would have made the light coming in from above a lot more scattered to make it look like light peeking through the ceiling but Sketchfab limits the number of lights on a model.

250px-Stone_Chestchest Chest reference images.


pipe Pipe reference images.



ORNNNNNN.png Large hammer references.


Lava-forge Forge reference.



This was here as an idea of what to stack the shelves with to make the place look a bit more used but I ran out of time to model all of these.

The anvil and tools were modelled by online references that I’ve now lost. I found them by looking through blacksmith tool list wikis on what tool was used for which job.

One of the main problems with this forge scene is, I have used too many clashing designs for the references. I have a mixture of real-life things combined with low poly stylised things resulting in a weird overall design. Also, something for this blacksmith to be working on would be great like a piece of armour or a sword would’ve added some more narrative to the environment. I could then have disassembled pieces of sword scattered around bringing life to the scene. Another thing that needs to be fixed is the unwrap for the scene I tried flatten mapping a portion of the scene but ended up flatten mapping everything instead. I thought I could abuse Substance’s planar UV distribution but the flatten map still generated some nasty effects. Those are mainly visible on the pipes and the general environment.

In conclusion, two things would’ve fixed this scene. Adding a project to it to make it look more alive (like a sword or chest piece) and refining the design so it is either low poly stylised or realistic fantasy like Skyrim.

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